Safety Tips for Renting a Business Car

Car rentals are a common business need and renting a business car can help with your employees’ transportation needs for a business trip. However, driving comes with risks. Any car your business rents should have insurance coverage to mitigate the financial risks that could occur from an injury or property damage.

Renting a Business Car

Any business that rents vehicles must have commercial auto insurance. The right coverage, safety measures, and attentive driving go a long way toward keeping your employees and company safe from physical danger and financial liability. Learn some great tips on how to avoid accidents in a business car rental. 

Always Carry Proof of Insurance

You must show proof of insurance to secure a business car rental. Please provide a physical insurance card with the company’s policy details, or have the traveling employee take a photograph to keep handy on their phone. This information is also essential in case of an accident or traffic violation while on the road. 

Select the Right Vehicle

You may get to choose the type of vehicle you prefer. If possible, opt for a safe make and model that avoids flashy or luxury vehicles that are targets for thieves and have expensive repair costs. 

Ask Questions About the Car

Instruct your employees to find out basic information about the vehicle at the rental counter. Necessary details include the last service date, the spare tire’s location, and who to call if an accident or emergency occurs. 

Take a few moments to get comfortable with the vehicle before driving away. Locate the headlights, windshield wipers, and hazard lights. Adjust your seat and mirror. Turn on the car’s air conditioning, heat, or radio before you head out on the road to avoid distractions while driving. 

Plan Your Route

Get directions to your destination or program your GPS before you leave. It allows you to concentrate on safe driving. 

Know the Traffic Laws

Many traffic laws are nationwide, but some vary by state. If you travel outside familiar territory, look up local laws to avoid making mistakes. 

Avoid Syncing Your Electronics

Don’t sync your phone to the vehicle to make calls, listen to music, or access your GPS. It may seem convenient, but the car could find and store personal data from your device. 

Keep Your Commercial Auto Insurance Policy Updated

Make sure that your company’s insurance policy is active and up-to-date. Keep a policy that allows for rentals and offers full coverage, so employees don’t need to purchase additional insurance when renting the vehicle. 

Driving is often necessary to conduct business with clients, investors, and partners. Don’t allow the risks of heading out on the road to pose an unnecessary danger to your company or staff. Following these practical safety tips is an excellent way to reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries. 

About Haughn & Associates

Founded by Michael Haughn in 1986, Haughn & Associates is a full-service, family-owned, independent insurance agency based out of Dublin, Ohio. H&A strives to provide the best possible price and unique insurance solutions across a myriad of industries, including construction, IT, Habitation & Commercial Property, Agriculture, and Engineering. Devoted to providing the best of business insurance, life and disability insurance, personal insurance, employee benefits, and bonds, H&A is proof that success lies in long-standing client relations and satisfaction. To learn more about how H&A can be of service to you, contact us at (877) 802-2278.